Sarah will start with a small yoga nidra (guided meditation meaning psychic sleep. It connects your mind/body and brings your awareness to the present moment) then a brief sound bath experience and a short Q&A about yoga and or sound healing to stir up your creative spiritual energy.
Join us on a spirit chat to share of your experience.
Sarah Randall, RYT-200 Body Heat Yoga, Reiki Master
Born and raised in Sarasota, Florida. I began practicing yoga as a part of my personal healing journey in 2017. A mindfulness based lifestyle, conscientious breathwork, and meditation are the foundations of my practice. Yoga has brought about significant health improvements for me on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. The joy, gratitude and balance that the Yogic practices bring to me are what I treasure. I am forever grateful for the healing yoga has brought to my life and being able to share this gift of Yoga with others is an honor for me.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
-Lao Tzu